The Mi Robot Vacuum is a smart home cleaning device made by Xiaomi. It integrates 12 LDS 360 sensors that locate dirt and trace a path in the most optimised way. Its three processors allow the device to be monitored in real time and, thanks to the Mi Home App on our smartphone, we can connect to the robot and control it remotely.
Its automatic loading function will allow us not to worry about plugging the robot into the power supply. Its artificial intelligence will make it possible for the robot to be attached to the charging base when it perceives that its battery is low. Finally, it should be noted that, thanks to the Mi Home App, we will be able to carry out different functions such as restarting the WiFi, turning on/off the cleaning and sending the robot to its charging base if we consider it necessary.
This is the best vacuum robot from Xiaomi with twice the power of the competition and at a much lower price. Furthermore, the spare parts are priced at 20€ and it is a device capable of cleaning all types of surfaces. In short, a perfect cleaning device that is within reach of every pocket.